What went on in July...

July was over before it seemed to have begun (as has been most of the year to date) - possibly lost in slow motion along the Kennet and Avon canal…the summer travels have begun and it feels wonderful to be on the move again. The plan is to have 3 months properly travelling; a Gold Licence this year means unlimited time on the Thames and any other river that’s not under the Canal and River Trust’s jurisdiction. Messing about on the river, all the way up to Lechlade via Oxford, is a lovely thing to do.

There were a few things happening before I started clocking up those slow miles along the canal…not least, the emergence of this year’s damsel- and dragonflies. They seemed to emerge from one day to the next, starting with the fabulous Scarce Chaser dragonflies and followed soon after by the pretty tiny emerald damselflies…oh, I really must mention the Ranatra Linearis that was pulling itself along the side of the boat, just underwater. I’d never heard of it so kind of thought we we’d discovered something completely new living in the canal! It’s known as a ‘water stick insect’, has the attributes of a praying mantis, breathes through its tail and is an underwater predator - how about that?!

Then, I went on holiday though there were plenty of times when the memorable line from Withnail and I came to mind: “we’ve gone on holiday by mistake”.

Highlights- catching up with great friends in the gorgeous harbour town of Portsoy in their fabulous Port House cafe; seeing puffins, razorbills, seals and thousands of other birds at the rspb Dunnet Head nature reserve; eating fish and chips in Whitby; coast walking from Whitby to Robin Hood’s Bay.

Lowlights - there are no highland cows in the Highlands (trust me on this); driving 1400 miles in 4 days; the rain, the relentless rain that made camping impossible in Scotland; eating fish and chips in Whitby (enough is enough!); seagulls at 4am (there’s no double glazing in a tent).

A big, even massive, boost this month photography-wise came in the form of a front cover and 2 page spread in Amateur Photographer magazine, where I was asked to talk about my favourite lens, the Sigma 105mm, and to submit some photos taken with it. The delight I got from this was made even greater when my SheClicks friends amassed a load of copies and sent me a photo - where would we be without the support of like-minded people?

And finally…July began with immeasurable sadness as we said goodbye to Dad. The fact he’d been suffering for too long and his passing happened with relative speed and comfort didn’t seem to make things any easier when it happened. He would be so proud of me and just the few things I’ve begun to achieve with my photography, so this is for him. RIP Dad xx

Pet Portraits - preserving a moment in time

Pet Portraits - my exciting new venture!

Isn’t it amazing how a left turn here or a right turn there can change a life?

Since 2019 I’ve been lurking in the narrowboat’s cratch, crouching in fields and hiding by rivers (to name just a few places) enjoying my wildlife and nature photography more than I’d ever imagined possible. It’s been wonderful; I’ve seen more of the UK in these years than in all my life, and been lucky enough to get to places inaccessible to most (I’m definitely thinking of the tidal river Ouse at dawn here).

And then, last summer, we made a very, very spontaneous decision to turn left off the Thames at Reading, heading onto the Kennet and Avon canal, a canal we left 3 years ago vowing never to return…and here I am (we are, don’t worry!), still continuous cruisers on our 45 foot narrowboat but with something like watery roots being put down around Devizes. It’s fabulous.

I’ve a stall in The Shambles, Devizes’ every Friday and Saturday (come and say hello) and am now branching out into Pet Portraits - what could be better than preserving a moment in time of your perfect pooch, your favourite feline, your happiest horse, mightiest mouse….OK I’ll stop there, the point is, I’m here to photograph all your pets and animals however large or small.

I’ll share more of my Pet Portraits as I capture more moments in time and, if you’re interested in your own photoshoot, please get in touch either here or via any social media app or even in person in the Shambles every Friday and Saturday. There’s no pressure, no obligation and my pricing is reasonable and clear, with no hidden extras. I’m not putting prices here because if you’re thinking of offering a session as a gift I feel it takes some of the charm away.

Well, now I have to go and get ready for tomorrow’s market…I hope to see or hear from you soon,

Take care til then,

Phil x